Mungsa Lakhinandan Bordoloi Kholar Assam Universityne phána tor shawa Doctorate degree go mána phon-ga.

#20 September, 2019
Dhing College'o ratkanthi sirongkhewa (Political Science) pahake Assistant professor, shídai kirî Msa. Lakhinandan Bordoloi Kholar "Traditional Political Institutions of  Tiwas: A Study on change and continuity" ne shumuw tói shândewane  hõi Silchare Assam Universityne phána tor shawa Doctorate degreene muk go osga. Pe Assam Universityne Diphu campuse ratkanthi sirongkhewa pahake mul professor Dr. K. C. Dase kuríw pene shândeware Tiwa chate pángai lo tor tonga khada matgo hon laba phon-ga. Pene shândewa phari man kheblangá Tiwa chat go sina mushín pángai lo lam aw osga. Pego ching Pharew News phaljínge phána khágode sêwago chashégang.


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